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SUMMER YOUTH LEARN TO ROW: programs for those new to rowing are available for all ages.  SRA will be offering 3 levels of Learn to Row for rising 7th and 8th graders to keep athletes engaged and challenged through a progression leading to our Middle School and Junior Competitive Team.

VARSITY LEARN TO ROW: for athletes going into 9th-12th grade, we are offering a separate camp! If you are looking to try something new and get a feel for this unique racing sport, come join us for one (or both!) of our two-week camps. More information can be found HERE.

The Rower's Assistance Program (scholarship opportunity) is available for our Learn to Row programs.

Learn to Row 1 Information

LTR 1 is SRA's introductory rowing program designed for all athletes entering 7th grade and above. Athletes will learn the fundamental of rowing, work with new teammates, and have a ton of fun doing it! All athletes entering 7th grade and above, regardless of previous experience, will start with the LTR program. Not only will we focus on the fundamentals of rowing, but athletes will experience the expectations of being on the competitive modified team!

More registration information for LTR 1 can be found HERE

Learn to Row 2 & 3 Information

LTR 2/3 are the 2nd level in SRA's introductory rowing program. After having completed LTR 1, athletes have the option to progress to the second and third tiers, with a focus on 1 and 2 person shells. These shells require more technique, more focus, and more skill, but athletes will improve at a significantly higher speed than in traditional 4 person shells. After weeks of rowing, athletes are now ready to put their newfound skills into action in a variety of boats. Stay on the water all summer long and meet your future teammates!

Note: Learn to Row 2/3 are only open to those who have done the LTR 1.

About the Program

The Charles R Wood Learn to Row Program was created to offer the experience of rowing to interested children entering grades 7 and above. The Learn to Row Program is an opportunity for a child to learn about the sport of rowing through participation. While the majority of time is spent on the water, there is also dry land training and education about boats and equipment. Some impromptu racing and ice cream eating may occur. 

The Charles R Wood Foundation was created in 1978 by local entrepreneur Charles R Wood founder of Storytown USA, the present day Great Escape Theme Park, the Double H Hole in the Woods Camp for critically ill children and many other endeavors and businesses in the area. The Foundation was established to provide assistance to areas of special need in the region, with an emphasis on children's health care and the arts.